Gywn Jones' Farm Diary December 29 2005

Where did 2005 go? Either I am getting older, or busier, but this year has just flown.

It has in fairness been a very good year weather wise for dairy farming. A reasonably early spring, with early growth, a slight hiccup at silage time in May, a good summer with the rain arriving just in time at the end of July, and a great autumn, which we are still enjoying! I dislike winters, and if this is global warming '“ rock on!

Our cows have done well. They have milked well, the milk quality has been outstanding, and we have placed ourselves well inside the top bands for cell-counts and hygiene. Fertility is our biggest problem, and we need to put much more effort into this area. Late night checks to see which cows are bulling loses its attraction after a few weeks, but it is essential as mos