LETTER: Contrition would be more convincing

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Your letters
The last time I saw Mr Andrew Blevins was on April 30 at that fatal meeting where Tory councillors pushed through the Gang of Four’s half-baked scheme (Cllr Dawe, Vickers, Croft and Rae) to wreck north Horsham with their great politically driven strategic plan for housing and an industrial park.

I never understood why at a policy meeting (not at the planning application stage) Mr Blevins was allowed to make his pitch for the Liberty Property Trust taking up a place that should have been available for a member of the public. But he did.

Now from your photograph (WSCT June 22) he looks as ‘happy as Larry’ as he seeks to redeem the reputation of his company after a damning finding by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) that Liberty had been rather parsimonious with the verity. It is very unusual for a claim to be upheld by the ASA so this must have been very serious and should be seen in the context that the complainant (a member of the public) had raised initially a total of twenty complaints.

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Mr Blevins does ‘apologise for the confusion’ but blames it on the ‘jargon’ he used. It wasn’t because of jargon – the glossy expensive brochure was just factually incorrect and considering it was going to an English audience he couldn’t even get the spelling of bridle path right confusing it with bridal.

So much for attention to accurate detail – a theme, which seems to run through all the collaborative documentation put together between Liberty and Horsham District Council.

It would have been more convincing to an English readership if he had assumed a more contrite approach, spending more time on why his company had made these exaggerated claims and less time trumpeting what a wonderful company he claims Liberty to be.

Dr Geoffrey Richardson

Secretary/Treasurer New Harmonie, Tennyson Close, Horsham