LETTER: Elected councils must be in charge

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Your letters
In your article titled, ‘Battle lines drawn over 10,000 home new town for West Sussex’, I feel you have not only missed the point but have appeared as a champion of the ‘new town’, hardly the job of the local press.

The future shape of our district should be drawn up by our elected district councils, in consultation with residents, not by unelected developers who will say and do anything to try and push their proposals forward, because of the extraordinary profits on offer.

You say that the campaign group ‘LAMBS’ is mainly made up of people that live near the proposed development, what you do not say is that Mayfield Market Towns is made up of four director, none of whom have any association with Horsham District, hardly ‘Localism’, and this company has never built a town, village, or house before, it was purely set up to promote this unsustainable proposal.

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I said earlier you missed the point, indeed the point is that the ‘Battle lines’ are very clear, the people of Horsham and Mid-Sussex districts, the district councils, our MPs, the Localism Act, versus a group of businessmen from outside our district, that is not at all clear from your article!

Why is our local press giving so many column inches to a developer who is not even close to having a workable plan able to go forward for planning, is only interested in subverting local democracy, delaying our district plan being signed off by the inspectorate, and delaying the building of the right number of homes for our needs, in the right places?


Wineham Lane, Henfield