LETTER: Our anxiety levels keep rising

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
One big Hooray! for Sally Pavey’s excellent informative and factual letters in recent WSCTs to which, I wholeheartedly agree with in their entirety.

With regards to the HDC councillors who are pushing for the North Horsham development coupled to the Gatwick Airport second runway supporters such as ‘The Gatwick Diamond’, Louise Goldsmith and WSCC, and here is another one, ‘Coast to Capital’.

They all might like to consider why the Horsham District came out on top of the recent anxiety league and surprisingly discover, that they themselves, are large contributors to these worries.

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Perhaps it is time for our beautiful district to stand up collectively (no party guidelines) and fight against these absurd proposals that will desecrate our northern part of Sussex from being eroded by a cancer masquerading as ‘Growth and Wealth’, which I firmly believe is pure and utter folly.

Furthermore, maybe it is time to break away and be more supportive of the well used term of localism and, not allow outside influence to ruin what we are beginning to hang on to by its coat tails.

All culprits I respectively beg of you please, please, kindly just leave us alone and, develop elsewhere.

We have had enough!


Gagglewood, Mannings Heath