Slideshow: Midhurst and Petworth Remembrance

Rememberance Day Parade at the War Memorial, Midhurst. 2017 Clive Bennett Photography 12/11/2017 _CB_5362.CR2Rememberance Day Parade at the War Memorial, Midhurst. 2017 Clive Bennett Photography 12/11/2017 _CB_5362.CR2
Rememberance Day Parade at the War Memorial, Midhurst. 2017 Clive Bennett Photography 12/11/2017 _CB_5362.CR2
Hundreds of people took part in Remembrance Sunday services and Acts of Remembrance on Saturday (November 11) across the Midhurst and Petworth area.

On Sunday Deputy Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex Neil Hart joined many others at the War Memorial in Midhurst including chairman of the Midhurst Royal British Legion (RBL) Poppy Appeal Brigadier Arthur Douglas-Nugent and president of the Midhurst RBL Captain Michael Gordon Lennox. Iona Harrison played The Last Post during the wreath laying ceremony and the service was conducted by The Rev Dave Willis.

At Petworth Remembrance Sunday commemorations began with the Remembrance Parade led by Petworth Town Band and marshalled by Nick Wheeler, treasurer of Petworth branch RBL. Canon Mark Gilbert conducted the service. The Last Post was sounded by Richard Barron, a member of the town band.

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