Video: Harry the ‘high-five’ hedgehog

Local wildlife charity Care for the Wild are currently looking after a lost hedgehog, called Harry who gives a ‘high-five’ when being fed as the video shows.

Harry has already proved very popular in the Horsham office and also on Facebook, where he has had lots of likes.

So far, he hasn’t let celebrity get to his head though.

Harry is only about 4-5 weeks old and was found near the office on Brighton Road, and handed in to Arthur Lodge Vets.

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The vets made a call to the wildlife charity to see if they could help, and their resident UK wildlife expert Tarnya Knight was happy to help.

“Harry was found walking around in the daylight and a concerned passer-by took him to the local vets. This was the right thing to do as hedgehogs are nocturnal, so if you see them walking around in the daylight it means something is wrong. Just as this passer-by did you should try to pick up and box the hedgehog, then contact your local vet or wildlife rescue centre straight away.” Tarnya commented.

“Plus, as Harry was so young, it is unlikely he would have survived long without the care that we are giving him.” She adds.

Harry had to go back to the vet as staff at Care for the Wild found an infected wound. The wound was treated and despite his age, as he would normally just about be feeding himself now, he is being hand-fed to get his strength back up. When he is healthy again and strong enough he will be released back into the wild.

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